Voice for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Anti-Cruelty Cell ~Vigilante~
Our beliefs : animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law. There has been a major rise in the number and variety of cruel and illegal acts committed against animals. This has increased a great deal more during this COVID period. This will have its repercussions on humans as it has been proven many times that a person who harms animals usually harms people as well. All studies show that those in jail for heinous crimes started their lives with violence against animals. The FBI in America has added violence against animals to their watchlist of people under surveillance.

We have also seen that a lot of crime is done against women under the excuse of their feeding animals as well. Illegal acts of poisoning, stoning, chasing, running over, relocating the street animals as well as harassing, assaulting & intimidating animal workers is common .

Apart from this there are the issues of illegal pet shops, illegal slaughterhouses , illegal meat shops. Illegal breeding, abandoned pets, harrasment of feeders, subjecting pets to cruel methods of confinement, abandoning livestock, accident or suspicious death situations of street animals are a few issues that exist all over Bangalore

The police at the thana level are usually unaware of the acts/laws and take this cruelty very lightly. The victim is unable to get justice for themselves or the animals

Seeing the number of conflicts where ultimately animals get harmed, V'PCA has stepped in to work for the rights of street animals who are also a part of our community. An Anti Cruelty Officer like me, we form the link between the law & order authorities & the ground level animal lovers to reduce human-animal conflict and see that serial .
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